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Setting up a raspberry pi Status screen/sign/display

This page describes how to set up a raspberri pi to connect to a projector/tv/screen and boot up directly into a web browser with periodic update of a web page (or pdf). You can optionally load up multiple tabs and enable tab slideshow so the screens cycle through.

Start by:

  1. Loading the img onto an sd card (using dd on linux or Win32DiskImager on windows).
  2. Boot up your raspberry pi, and load a terminal.

SAMBA instructions:

  1. type this to install samba server:
    sudo apt-get install samba
  2. edit the smb.conf with this:
    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  3. up the top of that file somewhere is workgroup= WORKGROUP make a new line underneath that with “netbios name = BLAH” where blah is what you want to call the raspberry pi on the samba network
  4. go to the very bottom of the file and paste this
       comment = cammo fixme
       writeable = yes
       force user = pi
       create mask = 644
       path = /home/pi/sampleshare
       guest ok = yes
  5. Save and exit.
  6. Create the directory referenced by that share with:
    mkdir /home/pi/sampleshare
  7. Restart samba with:
    sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Autostarting firefox/iceweasel

  1. Type this to install iceweasel:
    sudo apt-get install iceweasel
  2. Type:
    mkdir -p ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi
    nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
  3. Add this line:
  4. Save and exit

I found the fix from a comment on this page:

Setting up Tab mix plus

  1. Install tab mix plus addon in Iceweasel Addons.
  2. Under addons, tabmix preferences, menu:
    1. In the “Tab context menu” tab, enable “reload every”.
    2. In the “Shortcuts” tab, scroll down to “Toggle tabs slideshow”, click in the textbox and press CTRL+F9.
    3. Press close.
  3. Load the PDF you want to display (file:///home/pi/sampleshare/blah.pdf).
  4. Go to preference, general, and press “Use Current Page” for home page (for convenience only) but then set “restore windows and tabs from last time” otherwise the reload every setting for the tabs doesn't get restored.
  5. Rightclick the tab and set reload every to the required time.
  6. Press F11 to go fullscreen (this setting will be remembered between reboots).
  7. Close firefox/iceweasel (to make sure settings get saved) and reboot the raspberry pi to test.

VNC instructions

  1. Install x11vnc:
    sudo apt-get install x11vnc
  2. Set password for the first time type:
    x11vnc -usepw
  3. Enter password twice, enter to store in default location, then CTRL+C to quit x11vnc after its fired up.
  4. Type the following to edit the autostart file (make sure the directory exists first)
    nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
  5. Add the line:
    @x11vnc -forever -usepw
  6. Save and exit.
  7. Reboot and test.

Turning off screen blanking

  1. Type the following to edit the autostart file (make sure the directory exists first)
    nano ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
  2. Add the lines:
    @xset s off
    @xset -dpms
  3. Save and exit.
  4. Reboot and test.
cammos-rpi-displays.1428475082.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/08 14:38 by snarg